Don't you ever listen to your users before you decide to fuck up my giant library of greasemonkey scripts that granted me better features then what youtube is offering?
You should just have the balls to come right out and admit that the redesign is all about profits, because it obviously does not reflect a conscious move to improve user experience. This would earn you much more respect from users than your current method of screwing up all the useful features then telling us all how much we like it (when clearly we don't like it one bit).
Stop taking feedback from the handful of brown-nosers and listen to your wider community. YouTube is becoming progressively worse and you KNOW it, yet you still soldier on with the stupid changes and still hype it up with blatant propaganda suggesting that everyone likes it.
Wait, you're trying to call what you've done a "design"? That's laughable. This is the ugliest I've ever seen a major site. It's so unbalanced it's not funny. There's all this run-together text (the comments are especially disgusting) and hardly any structure to the page at all. It looks like a My First Webpage exercise.
Comments are now almost unusable, and all this mouse hover stuff is just awful.
Google employs some of the top engineering talent there is - and this was the best you could come up with?
Also, why - in Safari on Mac - do I only see that awful "The Feed" thing? Is it a swipe at the tension that exists between Google and Apple at the moment? It doesn't happen on any other browser.
The new youtube "experience" is the biggest piece of electronic crap I have seen yet!!! All the useful features are no longer available, we want the quicklist returned, we want to share directly with youtube users by using their log-on ID, I am NOT the slightest bit interested in all this Twatter shit that passes for social networking. Your alleged engineers should be made to sweep streets, even then they probably couldn't get THAT right! You want every one to save you friggin' MONEY and all you do for us is simply fuck people around! Get rid of all this new crap and put things back the way they were! DO IT!!! I cannot beleive it took you 8 MONTHS to come up with this monumental piece of CRAP!!! You have created this screw-up and you WILL FIX IT!!! And WHY THE HELL do I need to select a fucking category for my comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg this is soo gay. when you say its to increase the user experience, it means that people will like it. maybe next time before you do something like this you should release a beta and make a poll. simple
"the result of eight months' worth of user research, feedback and data analysis" - are you serious?
Fire everyone who worked on this redesign. The user experience is atrocious - it's hard to find anything now.
Before you could see comments and ratings at a glance, now it's just a complete mess. Yes more white space is good, but at least before you could see individual comments and ratings more clearly and didn't have to constantly mouse over to make your own rating. Bring back the old layout - it was never broken in the first place.
It's hopeless. The bloody embed feature doesn't work. Used to be click-click-done and now it just says 'Loading...' for, well, possibly forever. Which is pretty useless when you upload a video so you can put it on blogger. You're making Vimeo look really attractive right now.
My mistake. It seems like it's just not compatible with Safari, though since this is the browser I use most of the time that's not much better than the damn thing not working at all. Still going to check Vimeo out if you don't get it fixed soon.
This is a hideous re-design of a popular website. Whoever is responsible has obviously done a course in how to deconstruct the user-friendliness of a website, and has graduated with first-class honours.
My viewing history is no longer accessible from the home page, and the related video selection is a mere shadow of its former self. Also, when I click on a related video whilst another video is playing, previously the new video would play straight away. Now, I just hear sound from the new viedo and the whole screen freezes. I use Safari, and I have to exit the browser and come back in, but even doing that does not guarantee a fix. Painful.
Why remove 'more of user upload video tab'why remove 'relate video tab' and mesh are videos together, what happened to my video history page? The old design was organised and everything was easy to find and navigate, now I can't even look at series of videos without first having to check if it is the same uploader. Plus reading the comments without a line or box separting them is darn painful. I liked the video information to be back where it was at the top right corner, why did you remove uploaders avatar display it was fine the way it was. I don't why you guys removed the star rating system it gave the viewers more choice.
This redesign is a failure, simpler does not mean better, a cleaner design with better organisation retaining all the previous features should had been the way to go.
Need a link to go straight to see the oldest/first comments, not just the newest.
Comments become irrelevant after a certain time has passed (often just degrade into personal bickering)and the only way to see the first comments is to keep clicking through the 'Next' link, or view all comments. But some videos have thousands of comments.
Isn't it obvious to have a 'sort' function that lets you change the order that comments are listed?
While I'm reading the comments, I can't move the mouse around the screen anymore or I keep losing my place due to the distracting and gimmicky way the comments change colour on mouse-over.
The new layout is so poor in its redesign that i actually thought for quite sometime that my browser was failing to load the page correctly. After repeated page reloads i resigned myself to the fact that this was infact Youtubes new design. Sad that they could have thought at anytime that this was an improvement.
Thank you Youtube, for helping steer my preference towards Vimeo for future video viewing and uploading.
I had hoped the new design was temporary. So yet another redesign making it less usable than before. The redesign puts you at the bottom of the barrel with Facebook, SMH (who seem to be making it harder to access their own columnists) and Sydney's State Rail (yes I am comparing you to an organisation which is corrupt and completely incompetant).
I would love to believe that you are smart enough to be making these changes for profit reasons, as other have said above, but I am more of the belief that someone incompetant is making the changes to justify their job. Fire them now and save yourselves some money.
I was going to set up an account for my place of business so our customers can see product reviews etc but now I am going to Vimeo, so no click through advertising earnings for you.
Atypical of the social engineering going on in the first place. For the dummy Youtube employee - The "NEW" website is restrictive in every sense. Focusing less on the informative and more of the lame money making advertising cash grab much like amazon. For the Tavisstock minded Youtube employee - Don't worry the sheeple will still lap up the change for the sake of change, it's "free". The monitoring and social engineering looks like it is entering a new phase of a restrictive cycle... end times near are!! However, you just keep pushing the envelope and the herd will migrate... and we'll thank you for that... The removal of overall design structure favouring the minimalist approach,the so called intuitive search faciltiies and in your face advertising are already tired looking... can't you think of lesser obtrusive mind control methods ?? Or is your master/s telling you to ramp it up.... I bet it's a combination of both... New site= inept and lame in every sense, less now a tool and resource more a no brain required one stop lollipop shop for further tranquilisation of the mass mind . Well that was the intention wasn't it...?? I also notice the feedback links were removed...I wonder why...??
i left some time before commenting because i thought i might get used to it. but i have to say i dont like it. im sure a heap of thought went into it and whatever but you could at the very least change things little by little. but can you at least change the comments back, i really dont like the new way of commenting!! it makes it harder to read all the comments and to work out who's replying to who. i mean there was a problem before because when you replied to a comment it hardly ever showed up under the comment you were replying to, but still. and it highlights your own comment on a video not the creator of the video!? i dont see what the point of that is? i was trying to finish this on something i did like but i cant say there is anything! sorry!
wtf would you screw with a page that does it all it needs too very simply, now you have pull downs all over the place, hidden buttons. its bad enough the stupid ads on the channel page make half the videos disappear so you need to scroll liek a madman and the main page is just a joke, i dont give a shit what all my friends are watching, i used to have 3 lines of videos based on what i have watched, now i have a page of shit from a bunch of 'friends'. now i have unfriend them all cause i dont want that crap. its as if you let a rabid monkey loose, fed him linseed oil, and the new layout is similiar to the result of sprayed monkey faeces.
stop changing shit just cause you need to keep the designers you employ busy. after this crap you should be sacking them anyway.
I too decided i would give this new layout some time to grow on me, it didnt, and every passing second makes me hate it even more. This feels like a massive step backwards. The only feature left that i actually used regularly on youtube is the videos themselves, everything else is gone or impossible to find.
Great f**king work youtube, you need to fire whichever company headed the market reaserch.
Well this layout suck, couldn't they have a setting where you could choose to resort back to the old layout at least. For me its basically annoying to use since its takes longer to look around videos which want to watch. Also it's also lost the Youtube uniqueness from other compleating sites. Sad through most of my friends sometimes finds it frustating to use. They should have had one of those polls and feedback from the common youtube user.
Here's how some other guy thought the design could've been improved. It retains familiarity in design, but arranges elements in the same way as the new layout.
I don't mind the channel design because it's ok once you get used to it.
But this new video page layout is horrible, the related/users videos and info all used to be on the right, now it's everywhere. The comments are FUBAR'd, I don't even want to use them anymore.
The rating system feels like someone from Google came across Reddit. sure, people voted only 1 - 5, but you know what stars do over a number of votes? They average out. The best part about the star system is that you could see them before you did the video. I heard this was removed because partner videos were dropping.
I don't even care anymore, I might just go to Viddler or something.
This new layout is ridiculous. Why the hell would you take away the star ratings? There's no way to even tell if people like a video or not anymore??? The best indication of how good a video is was by how many ratings the video got? Now this is gone!
I've had my youtube account for nearly 3 years now and this is a major disappointment.. Sorry Youtube but you've hit rock bottom with this new design.
Not to mention how terrible the new comments system is. Very hard to read.. even harder to follow in sequence and just very tacky looking. It seems like the whole youtube design has gone all primary school looking.
looks like the feed page has reverted to the old one, hooray. now i can actually see related videos i'm interested in.
the only other change would be the star system, the other crap i can live with if need be, although it would be great if i had the option to turn stuff off. i'm not really interested in see all the uploaders comments of highest rated comments first on every video, would be nice to have the option to see that if needed.
2 weeks in and its amazing to see just how confusing and broken the comment system is .. now no replys makes sense, as all comments are shuffled about out of order depending on stupid factors. This is a complete ballsup!
HMMMMMMM 43 comments and only one joke comment I assuem saying how good it is... ever time i load up youtube now I shudder at how disorginaised it is.. who on earth in their right mind thinks that we want just a list of videos to watch ? the old layout was 100000 times better than your current piece of sh*t you are "offering" us now...
I remember the old YouTube video page. The 3 boxes on the side, one for info, one for other videos from the user, and one for related videos. Where the heck did that go? Now, to find the next video in a series, I must go to the user's channel, scroll - scroll! - through their videos until I find the right one! On the old video page, the next video in a series would be the first video in the related videos box, but no! You had to "improve" and "uodate" the YouTube video page into an abomination!
Steve! Chad! Jawed! Know why YouTube was successful in the past? Because of the easy to use design and functionality. What happened? Did Google force you to do it? Or were you just needing even bigger paychecks?
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Well I've really got to hand it to you guys; this is the worst redesign yet. I will be posting a lot less comments on videos from now on.
ReplyDeleteHorrible. Worst then the channel 'revamp'.
ReplyDeleteDon't you ever listen to your users before you decide to fuck up my giant library of greasemonkey scripts that granted me better features then what youtube is offering?
You should just have the balls to come right out and admit that the redesign is all about profits, because it obviously does not reflect a conscious move to improve user experience. This would earn you much more respect from users than your current method of screwing up all the useful features then telling us all how much we like it (when clearly we don't like it one bit).
ReplyDeleteStop taking feedback from the handful of brown-nosers and listen to your wider community. YouTube is becoming progressively worse and you KNOW it, yet you still soldier on with the stupid changes and still hype it up with blatant propaganda suggesting that everyone likes it.
I hope this is just another April Fool's joke.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering what this means for branded channels - does the new design preclude the use of the video page banner?
ReplyDeleteWait, you're trying to call what you've done a "design"? That's laughable. This is the ugliest I've ever seen a major site. It's so unbalanced it's not funny. There's all this run-together text (the comments are especially disgusting) and hardly any structure to the page at all. It looks like a My First Webpage exercise.
ReplyDeleteComments are now almost unusable, and all this mouse hover stuff is just awful.
Google employs some of the top engineering talent there is - and this was the best you could come up with?
Also, why - in Safari on Mac - do I only see that awful "The Feed" thing? Is it a swipe at the tension that exists between Google and Apple at the moment? It doesn't happen on any other browser.
The new youtube "experience" is the biggest piece of electronic crap I have seen yet!!! All the useful features are no longer available, we want the quicklist returned, we want to share directly with youtube users by using their log-on ID, I am NOT the slightest bit interested in all this Twatter shit that passes for social networking. Your alleged engineers should be made to sweep streets, even then they probably couldn't get THAT right! You want every one to save you friggin' MONEY and all you do for us is simply fuck people around! Get rid of all this new crap and put things back the way they were! DO IT!!! I cannot beleive it took you 8 MONTHS to come up with this monumental piece of CRAP!!! You have created this screw-up and you WILL FIX IT!!! And WHY THE HELL do I need to select a fucking category for my comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow do I turn it off?
ReplyDeleteomg this is soo gay. when you say its to increase the user experience, it means that people will like it. maybe next time before you do something like this you should release a beta and make a poll. simple
ReplyDeleteYou based this on on feedback?
ReplyDeleteBULLSHIT! Youtube is shittyer then ever!
I can't believe you could mess the site up THIS bad, are you trying to piss your users off? because it's working!
"the result of eight months' worth of user research, feedback and data analysis" - are you serious?
ReplyDeleteFire everyone who worked on this redesign. The user experience is atrocious - it's hard to find anything now.
Before you could see comments and ratings at a glance, now it's just a complete mess. Yes more white space is good, but at least before you could see individual comments and ratings more clearly and didn't have to constantly mouse over to make your own rating. Bring back the old layout - it was never broken in the first place.
Worst YouTube design I have ever seen.
ReplyDeletePlease burn down the houses of everyone involved in this project.
This is really plain awful!
ReplyDeleteEverything is just a mess and extremely hard to find practically anything.
The previouss design was awesome and logical. It was structured and easy to read. This "no-lines-design" is just confusing.
And whats up with the Likes and dislikes?! THe star system was good. Talk about caving in to all the other sites out there.
It took me five minutes to find how to save a video to favourites. Wheres the heart button that was easy to find?
Theres too much WHITE!
It's hopeless. The bloody embed feature doesn't work. Used to be click-click-done and now it just says 'Loading...' for, well, possibly forever. Which is pretty useless when you upload a video so you can put it on blogger. You're making Vimeo look really attractive right now.
ReplyDeleteMy mistake. It seems like it's just not compatible with Safari, though since this is the browser I use most of the time that's not much better than the damn thing not working at all. Still going to check Vimeo out if you don't get it fixed soon.
ReplyDeleteThis is a hideous re-design of a popular website. Whoever is responsible has obviously done a course in how to deconstruct the user-friendliness of a website, and has graduated with first-class honours.
ReplyDeleteMy viewing history is no longer accessible from the home page, and the related video selection is a mere shadow of its former self. Also, when I click on a related video whilst another video is playing, previously the new video would play straight away. Now, I just hear sound from the new viedo and the whole screen freezes. I use Safari, and I have to exit the browser and come back in, but even doing that does not guarantee a fix. Painful.
I hate the whole damn thing.
Shit sucks.
ReplyDeleteWhy remove 'more of user upload video tab'why remove 'relate video tab' and mesh are videos together, what happened to my video history page?
ReplyDeleteThe old design was organised and everything was easy to find and navigate, now I can't even look at series of videos without first having to check if it is the same uploader. Plus reading the comments without a line or box separting them is darn painful. I liked the video information to be back where it was at the top right corner, why did you remove uploaders avatar display it was fine the way it was. I don't why you guys removed the star rating system it gave the viewers more choice.
This redesign is a failure, simpler does not mean better, a cleaner design with better organisation retaining all the previous features should had been the way to go.
Need a link to go straight to see the oldest/first comments, not just the newest.
ReplyDeleteComments become irrelevant after a certain time has passed (often just degrade into personal bickering)and the only way to see the first comments is to keep clicking through the 'Next' link, or view all comments. But some videos have thousands of comments.
Isn't it obvious to have a 'sort' function that lets you change the order that comments are listed?
While I'm reading the comments, I can't move the mouse around the screen anymore or I keep losing my place due to the distracting and gimmicky way the comments change colour on mouse-over.
ReplyDeleteThe new layout is so poor in its redesign that i actually thought for quite sometime that my browser was failing to load the page correctly. After repeated page reloads i resigned myself to the fact that this was infact Youtubes new design. Sad that they could have thought at anytime that this was an improvement.
ReplyDeleteThank you Youtube, for helping steer my preference towards Vimeo for future video viewing and uploading.
I had hoped the new design was temporary. So yet another redesign making it less usable than before. The redesign puts you at the bottom of the barrel with Facebook, SMH (who seem to be making it harder to access their own columnists) and Sydney's State Rail (yes I am comparing you to an organisation which is corrupt and completely incompetant).
ReplyDeleteI would love to believe that you are smart enough to be making these changes for profit reasons, as other have said above, but I am more of the belief that someone incompetant is making the changes to justify their job. Fire them now and save yourselves some money.
I was going to set up an account for my place of business so our customers can see product reviews etc but now I am going to Vimeo, so no click through advertising earnings for you.
Atypical of the social engineering going on in the first place.
ReplyDeleteFor the dummy Youtube employee - The "NEW" website is restrictive in every sense. Focusing less on the informative and more of the lame money making advertising cash grab much like amazon.
For the Tavisstock minded Youtube employee - Don't worry the sheeple will still lap up the change for the sake of change, it's "free". The monitoring and social engineering looks like it is entering a new phase of a restrictive cycle... end times near are!!
However, you just keep pushing the envelope and the herd will migrate... and we'll thank you for that... The removal of overall design structure favouring the minimalist approach,the so called intuitive search faciltiies and in your face advertising are already tired looking... can't you think of lesser obtrusive mind control methods ?? Or is your master/s telling you to ramp it up.... I bet it's a combination of both... New site= inept and lame in every sense, less now a tool and resource more a no brain required one stop lollipop shop for further tranquilisation of the mass mind . Well that was the intention wasn't it...??
I also notice the feedback links were removed...I wonder why...??
New Coke.
ReplyDeleteThe new design is MUCH better than the old one!! Please YouTube,don't change it! It's great the way it is!
ReplyDeleteWhat's the bet a yt employee made the above comment?
ReplyDeletei left some time before commenting because i thought i might get used to it. but i have to say i dont like it. im sure a heap of thought went into it and whatever but you could at the very least change things little by little.
ReplyDeletebut can you at least change the comments back, i really dont like the new way of commenting!!
it makes it harder to read all the comments and to work out who's replying to who. i mean there was a problem before because when you replied to a comment it hardly ever showed up under the comment you were replying to, but still. and it highlights your own comment on a video not the creator of the video!? i dont see what the point of that is? i was trying to finish this on something i did like but i cant say there is anything! sorry!
omfg, if it works it don't need fixing.
ReplyDeletewtf would you screw with a page that does it all it needs too very simply, now you have pull downs all over the place, hidden buttons.
its bad enough the stupid ads on the channel page make half the videos disappear so you need to scroll liek a madman
and the main page is just a joke, i dont give a shit what all my friends are watching, i used to have 3 lines of videos based on what i have watched, now i have a page of shit from a bunch of 'friends'.
now i have unfriend them all cause i dont want that crap.
its as if you let a rabid monkey loose, fed him linseed oil, and the new layout is similiar to the result of sprayed monkey faeces.
stop changing shit just cause you need to keep the designers you employ busy. after this crap you should be sacking them anyway.
My YouTube has reverted to the old layout for some reason.
ReplyDeleteThank god. The new one was terrible. It was incredibly netbook unfriendly and ugly.
Also, stop stealing ideas from Facebook and Twitter (Like, @), the star rating system is better then anything Facebook or Twitter could come up with.
I too decided i would give this new layout some time to grow on me, it didnt, and every passing second makes me hate it even more. This feels like a massive step backwards. The only feature left that i actually used regularly on youtube is the videos themselves, everything else is gone or impossible to find.
ReplyDeleteGreat f**king work youtube, you need to fire whichever company headed the market reaserch.
Well this layout suck, couldn't they have a setting where you could choose to resort back to the old layout at least. For me its basically annoying to use since its takes longer to look around videos which want to watch. Also it's also lost the Youtube uniqueness from other compleating sites. Sad through most of my friends sometimes finds it frustating to use. They should have had one of those polls and feedback from the common youtube user.
ReplyDeleteHere's how some other guy thought the design could've been improved. It retains familiarity in design, but arranges elements in the same way as the new layout.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the channel design because it's ok once you get used to it.
ReplyDeleteBut this new video page layout is horrible, the related/users videos and info all used to be on the right, now it's everywhere. The comments are FUBAR'd, I don't even want to use them anymore.
The rating system feels like someone from Google came across Reddit. sure, people voted only 1 - 5, but you know what stars do over a number of votes? They average out. The best part about the star system is that you could see them before you did the video. I heard this was removed because partner videos were dropping.
I don't even care anymore, I might just go to Viddler or something.
This new layout is ridiculous. Why the hell would you take away the star ratings? There's no way to even tell if people like a video or not anymore??? The best indication of how good a video is was by how many ratings the video got? Now this is gone!
ReplyDeleteI've had my youtube account for nearly 3 years now and this is a major disappointment.. Sorry Youtube but you've hit rock bottom with this new design.
Not to mention how terrible the new comments system is. Very hard to read.. even harder to follow in sequence and just very tacky looking. It seems like the whole youtube design has gone all primary school looking.
Please bring it back how it was?
youtube was the easiest to use web experience around until this 'redesign'...
ReplyDeletenow its just a f'n joke. seriously guys, wtf? you could have left the layout exactly the same as it was but just change the look of it.
not only does it look crap, it drives even worse!
at least give us the option in our settings for a 'classic view'.
first you take away our videos watched counter... and now star ratings? come on, give us a break!
everyone need to start to boycott this atrocity until something gets done!
24 hours of video uploaded every minute... lets try and get it down to one video every 24 hours!
viva la revolution!!
Seriously I thought this was an April Fools Joke when it first happened.. Unbelievable.. this is beyond terrible.
ReplyDeletelooks like the feed page has reverted to the old one, hooray. now i can actually see related videos i'm interested in.
ReplyDeletethe only other change would be the star system, the other crap i can live with if need be, although it would be great if i had the option to turn stuff off. i'm not really interested in see all the uploaders comments of highest rated comments first on every video, would be nice to have the option to see that if needed.
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ReplyDeleteTell me this is a joke...this can't seriously be an improvement to the old pages that you could actually use...
ReplyDelete2 weeks in and its amazing to see just how confusing and broken the comment system is .. now no replys makes sense, as all comments are shuffled about out of order depending on stupid factors. This is a complete ballsup!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't youtube implement this new feature with the new interface - allow people to delete their own comments made under other people's channels?
ReplyDeleteHMMMMMMM 43 comments and only one joke comment I assuem saying how good it is... ever time i load up youtube now I shudder at how disorginaised it is.. who on earth in their right mind thinks that we want just a list of videos to watch ? the old layout was 100000 times better than your current piece of sh*t you are "offering" us now...
ReplyDeleteI remember the old YouTube video page. The 3 boxes on the side, one for info, one for other videos from the user, and one for related videos. Where the heck did that go? Now, to find the next video in a series, I must go to the user's channel, scroll - scroll! - through their videos until I find the right one!
ReplyDeleteOn the old video page, the next video in a series would be the first video in the related videos box, but no! You had to "improve" and "uodate" the YouTube video page into an abomination!
Steve! Chad! Jawed! Know why YouTube was successful in the past? Because of the easy to use design and functionality. What happened? Did Google force you to do it? Or were you just needing even bigger paychecks?
wow very interesting
ReplyDeletei thought it was like that on my blog....
Greate Article
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